Interested in Cryptocurrency? 

Change your outlook on Cryptocurrency with Whale Pension, the easy way to invest your money, big or small. There are no right or wrongs when it comes to investing in Crypto, with Whale Pension we have all the information you need to know. The change you have lying around the house could be the ticket to a bright future. You don't have to spend alot to invest. Start Small! 

You can invest any amount big or small, whether your looking to invest millions or just want to save up on the side, #WLP is the way forward. Your wallet is completely secure and private - only you can access what you have invested. So why not start your crypto journey with Whale Pension today. 


The word pension has been used for hundreds of years and it hasn't always had the same meaning as we know it today. Pension dates back as early as 1500's, fast forwards to present time and pensions all over the world have advanced in all directions. Changing slightly over time adding new benefits and services. 

Private pension schemes don't always allow you to take your money out early, if they do there is usually a payment or taxes to pay. 

Whale Pension is here to advance the word Pension again. Take charge of your money, be your own boss and invest in WLP. 



Everyone is talking about Cryptocurrency, it is fast becoming widely used and recognised. With corporations holding their money in crypto, businesses starting to accept it as form of payment and wallets such as PayPal allowing you to use their services with it, you don't want to be left behind. 

Within Cryptocurrency you can buy, sell and trade as often or little as you like. There are no restrictions to when or how you trade. 

With Whale Pension there are no fee's or charges. Want to save? Great, Don't want to use it as a pension? No Problem. Use as a wallet and pop your money in and take out again to spend all over the world.